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stephen the levite - en:trance كلمات الأغنية


max mclean: “oh the depth of the riches and wisdom and
knowledge of god! how unsearchable his judgments, and
paths beyond tracing out!” rom. 11:33 niv

steve: it’s like i’m plungin’ into his wisdom, and i
love to swim/ in his word, his spirit fillin’ my lungs
again/ no scuba needed, i’m one of his kin/, cryin’
abba father in the water bubbles as i’m comin’ to him//
gettin’ closer feel the sun on my skin/ the glory of
the lord pullin’ me forward his love tuggin’ somethin’
within/ feelin’ unworthy, there’s nothin’ in men/
deservin’ of his presence i’m dirty and daily i need
scrubbin’ again// but his blood covers an abundance of
sin/ though as i get nearer exposed in a mirror is just
how grungy i am/ i become more of a mirror the cleaner
the clearer his reflection/ as he purifies my heart in
section is the goal is perfection// one day he’s comin’
again/ i’ll be it then but until, i hear the trumpets
and men leavin’ their graves i’m still/ searchin’ the
depths of his wisdom and love/ learnin’ to breathe his
spirit, my body fueled by his blood//

max mclean: “and i pray that you, being rooted and
established in love, may have power, together with all
the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and
deep is the love of christ, and to know his love that
surp-sses knowledge, that you may be filled to the
measure with all the fullness of god” eph 3:17b-19

steve: it’s like i’m enterin’ into the temple/ left my
flesh at the altar bathed at the laver, continuin’/ in
identifyin’ with christ and sacrifice/ purged with his
word and spirit the knife, cuttin’ precisely// dividing
the soulish and spiritual, devotion from ritual/
pharisaic traditions and relational pinnacles/ no
longer seen as sinful linen cloaks my physical/ like
the ship of vulcan, my sins become invisible// in
visible distance i behold the holiest/ p-ss the pillars
and the porch and approach with boldness/ establish in
his strength, glad to be his -ssociates/ communing
without the communism of the soviets// consuming the
shewbread frosted with pure frankincense offered for a
memorial is the metaphor makin’ sense/ a wonderful
fragrance made when the son was offered/ grantin’ me
access into the throne room of the father// continuin’
onward after glancin’ at the lamp stands/ light
providin’ sight, so i see where my timberlands stand/
filled with his spirit the light of christ that shines
before man/ holy ghost promote more than jordan and
foreman// for a minute i pause at the altar of incense/
thanked the lord for interceding for my since an
infant/ an infinite god in torn flesh ripped the
curtain/ he searchin’ my dirty heart but his heart is
worthy of searchin’ for certain//

max mclean: “therefore, brothers, since we have
confidence to enter the most holy place by the blood of
jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through
the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a
great priest over the house of god, let us draw near to
god with a sincere heart in full -ssurance of faith,
having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty
conscience and having our bodies washed with pure
water.” heb. 10:19-22

steve: it’s like i’m walkin’ into the oracle/ sparked
in the heart of david, made in the days of solomon, but
now historical/ gold walls carved with palm trees/ open
flowers and cherubim done marvelously they pause me//
cause me to stop and meditate/ consider the hosts of
heaven the lord with his son and all his delegates/ i
long to sing along and celebrate/ holy holy holy is the
lamb who was slain to save us from h-llish fate//
suddenly i’m in another place/ the mercy seat and the
arc are replaced with god’s throne of grace/ the
cherubim live, they spectate, i fall prostrate/ his
glory is heavy i can’t take the weight// then i awake
at the crib and i’m prostrate in my bed/ next to the
pages i read to behold his face/ and by grace it is
real, and through faith it’s revealed/ that when i’m
prayin’ i’m still in his holy place//

max mclean: “therefore, since we have a great high
priest who has gone through the heavens, jesus the son
of god, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. for
we do no have a high priest who is unable to sympathize
with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been
tempted in every way, just as we are, yet was without
sin. let us then approach the throne of grace with
confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace
to help us in our time of need” heb. 4:14-16

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