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kvsal - oase lyrics


verse 1:

girl ich suche nach struktur in meinem leben
ich will deinen körper, ich will mir auch vergeben zeigst du mir wie das geht?
oder ist es schon zu spät? musst du wieder gehen?
ich hab dir noch nichts erzählt
die welt da draußen kennt nicht deine last
alle wollen wissen was du unter deiner hose hast
ich will deine seele spüren
deine seele verführen
brechen wir gemeinsam ein paar türen auf
lassen wir unseren geistern frei im lauf
ich taufe mich neu in deinem becken
der fluss des jordans fließt aus deinen lippen
und aus ihm entspringt diese tiefe oase
ich verweile im schatten der kokosbäume und lache vor mich hin


oh yea
lache vor mich hin girl, lache vor mich hin, yea yea
oh yea, yea, yea
lache vor him hin, in der wüste drinnen yea yea

ooo, i’m a fool for you
whip it with your hair girl im a fool for you
got them lips like wow
got me thinking bout them hips like
ooo, sugar girl

verse 2:

königin von sheba du bist meine sünde aus dem süden
ich bin salomon ich werde schwach bei deinen pheromonen
pharaonen träumen von den kurven deines körpers und
wollen mit entthronen yea
haben mich angelogen yea
ich bin so verloren yea
ich will mich mit schmerz belohnen ich treff alle töne bin der
brown boi aus suburbia
bish i never heard of ya
träume jede nacht von präkolonialer seligkeit
white boi lass mich allein in meinem paradies verweilen yea


oh yea
lache vor mich hin girl, lache vor mich hin, yea yea
oh yea, yea, yea
lache vor him hin, in der wüste drinnen yea yea

ooo, i’m a fool for you
whip it with your hair girl im a fool for you
got them lips like wow
got me thinking bout them hips like
ooo, sugar girl


in der wüste drinnen yea
b_tch ich bin ein dschungelkind
dunkle augen, schwarzes haar
reit den teppich in den wind, lil mowgli mitten drinnen yea
counterfeit counterfeit counterfeit uh
what‘s the definition of a hypocrite? uh
take another look in that mirror bish, ooh
the ‘isms and ‘schisms and rhythm it’s all in my system yea
wien city, donaustadt, 22


verse 1:

girl, i am looking for some structure in my life
i want your body, but i also want to forgive myself
will you show me how that works? or is it already too late?
do you need to leave again? i didn’t tell you anything yet
the outside world does not know your struggle, everyone wants to know what you have under your pants
i want to feel your soul, to seduce your soul
let us break open some doors together, let us free our minds together
i baptise myself anew in your pool (“becken” is the german word for pool. in german, “becken” has two meanings _ it can mean a pool like a swimming pool, or it can mean hips)
the river of jordan flows out of your lips and out of it springs this deep oasis, i am resting in the shadows of the coconut trees and laugh away

laughing away, laughing away, yea yea
laughing away, in the desert, yea yea

ooo, i’m a fool for you
whip it with your hair girl im a fool for you
got them lips like wow
got me thinking bout them hips like
ooo, sugar girl

verse 2:

queen of sheba, you are my sin from the south
i am solomon, i get weak with your pheromones
pharaohs dreams of the curves of your body and want to take my throne away
they have lied to me yea, i am so lost yea
i want to reward myself with pain. i always hit every note
see i am the brown boy from suburbia, b_tch i never heard of yea?
i dream every night of pre_colonial serenity, white boy leave me alone in my paradise!


laughing away, laughing away, yea yea
laughing away, in the desert, yea yea

ooo, i’m a fool for you
whip it with your hair girl im a fool for you
got them lips like wow
got me thinking bout them hips like
ooo, sugar girl


i am in the desert! b_tch i am a jungle child
dark eyes, black hair, i ride the carpet in the wind, lil mowgli in the middle yea
counterfeit, counterfeit, counterfeit, yea
what’s the definition of a hypocrite? uh
take another look in that mirror b_tch! ooo
the ‘isms and ‘schisms and rhythm, it’s all in my system
vienna city, donaustadt, 22

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