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kranck - the كلمات الأغنية


[unnamed solider, unnamed sergeant]
uhh, why are we here, uh, sergeant?
well uh_ these are the… y’know we got all these prisoners of war, right, and we gotta go… uh… we got_ we don’t want ’em_ we don’t want ’em, right? so we gotta do somethin’ with ’em
can’t we just k!ll ’em_
no you can’t_ you can’t just k!ll ’em, that’s… i think there’s_ there’s things… there’s papers and sh_t, uh, preventing that. but we don’t wanna deal with them right? so we’re herе… outside this monastary_ we’re gonna gеt the monks here to deal with them
oh, there’s monks here
yeah there’s monks here these are the… the famous kranckistani mountain acid monks
whe_ they’re famous you should know who these people are
…i don’t know who these people are
okay well, they’re just… look, just_ just shut up, just let me do the… talking, okay?
[door creak, bell toll]
uh… h_llo? mister monks, yeah… we got some uh… y’know prisoners of war we want you to, uh, deal with_
(mongolian throat singing)
_because we don’t want to deal with them anymore. can you, uh, take them off our hands?
i don’t think there’s anybody here
hey… hey what i_ what’s that… those_ that noise though?
i don’t know. let’s see if we can… find it

look they’re too… they’re too, like, hopped up on_ on, acid or something to_ to, notice us
yeah well that’s_ they’re the_ they’re acid monks they do acid that’s their whole f_ckin’ thing. they live up in the mountains and they do acid
well what do we do?
i don’t know what we do. uh… yeah i don’t_ i don’t know. this was the only plan
well we gotta tell the_ we gotta tell the… the captain that they’re not gonna take the prisoners
well… nah well, i’m sure if we just leave ’em here they’ll… they won’t notice it’ll be fine…
i_is that a good idea?
i don’t_ i don’t care, okay? i don’t give a sh_t. let’s go

كلمات أغنية عشوائية

كلمات الأغاني الشهيرة
