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jhomez - come one, come all كلمات الأغنية


come one, come all to my magic show
watch as i defy reality and have your mind blown!

welcome folks, are you ready for magic?
i’ll make this girl disappear, make yo minds go batshit!
come on up hun, step right into this box
i’ll wave my wand, then she’ll disappear, watch!
abracadabra, and an alakazam!
whoops, cut her in half, my bad fam!
don’t worry folks, it’s magic, just a trick
let me just push her halves back together real quick
wiggle the wand, say the magic words
there we go, good as new, how the fuck does that work?
what’s next? ah yes, how about some scorchin fire!
i’ll breathe it from my mouth, ay bitch! hand me the lighter!
whoa nelly, goddamn! that flames outta control
its spreading all over, burnin up the ho_
_ly fuckin shit! time for us to leave
don’t worry folks, got more tricks up my sleeve

come one come all, take your seat
this magic show can’t be beat
hocus pocus, focus close
prepare to have your mind blown
alright alright, no need to fret
this next trick will be smooth, i promise you that
let me just grab my guillotine over here
and have this brave volunteer lie down, never fear
i’ll place your head right here, nice and gentle
then chop it clean off, it’ll be monumental! (ha!)
you’ll still live, a magic miracle if you believe
as i hold your talkin head up for all to see!
okay, let’s do this, here we go, one… two…
oh shit, your body’s bleedin out on cue
gushing blood, damn this is a lot!
uhh, shall we.. just.. move on?
how about levitating you all up to the ceiling
i’ll chant and wave my arms, you’ll be floatin and reelin
hocus pocus, wingardium levee_oh fuck!
you’re all crashin down, oh what rotten luck

come one come all, take your seat
this magic show can’t be beat
hocus pocus, focus close
prepare to have your mind blown

okay shut up! settle down, the show must go on
despite the fire, injuries, and lawsuits we’re goin strong
for my next trick, i’ll need a brave volunteer
you there, with the skeptical face and the balding hair
come on up, don’t be shy, i promise you’ll survive
well, probably, i mean, hopefully, just sign this waiver, alright?
now, lie down on this table, don’t worry ’bout the straps
i’ll just secure you tightly, so you don’t collapse
when i pull out this chainsaw and cut you in three
don’t scream, it ruins the illusion, just smile, say cheese!
vroooom! goes the blade, slicing through flesh and bone
oops, i think i went too far, your head’s rolling on its own
but wait, with magic, i can fix this, i swear!
let me just find where i put that spare
ah, here we go, a brand new head, slightly used
i’ll just attach it here, and… ta_da! you’re good as new.. ish
come one come all, take your seat
this magic show can’t be beat
hocus pocus, focus close
prepare to have your mind blown

well folks, seems my magic’s gone quite awry
bodies mangled, blood spilled, can’t say i didn’t try!
but hey, what’s a magic show without some gore?
just part of the act, like i said before!
now for my final trick, i’ll bring them back to life
just need an ancient spell and a sacrificial knife
i’ll slice my palm and let the blood rain down
chant some latin and _ oh no, what’s that sound?
the theater’s quaking, walls crumbling to bits
damn, i mispronounced it, we’re all about to eat shit!
the ceiling collapses, crushed under debris
well that’s our show folks, abruptly deceased!

that’s magic for you, unpredictable force
when things go south, you stay the course
tragic as it ended, you must admit
this magic show was the fucking shit!

كلمات أغنية عشوائية

كلمات الأغاني الشهيرة
