a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 #

g.g. allin - conversation #1 lyrics


[recording begins abruptly, mid_conversation]

gg: …guards pacing back and forth, you know, so… but i don’t know. it’s an idea. i’ve thought about it.

sb: yeah, but then i guess you wouldn’t be really free to speak your mind, uh, as far as…

gg: well, i could say what i wanted, but it’s just, you know, to put a lot of emphasis and feeling into it, sometimes i get a little carried away, but…

sb: [laughs]

gg: the thing i… the thing i did over the phone with this guy in boston came out pretty… pretty cool. i was, uh, i was pretty amazed at, uh, you know, when he played it for me over the phone, that i could hear it pretty well, and it sounded pretty intense.

sb: well, uh, maybe, uh, when you get out, your first performance will be a spoken_word, uh, performance…

gg: it probably will.

sb: …and, uh, you know, we could take that and release that as an album, or something.

gg: yeah, definitely. i’d definitely be open to that. did, uh, did charles bernstein send you a copy of that newspaper that him and i did an interview in? it just came out, it’s, uh…

sb: oh, yeah. i have an ad in that paper. i’ll be getting it shortly.

gg: you should be getting it, because i got one here yesterday, and, uh, i haven’t seen it yet because they don’t want to let it in. i have to have a hearing. i’ll get it, but it’ll take me a couple days. but, uh, it’s here, and i think, uh, there’s an interview… yeah, i’m sure your ad’s in it, then. so, uh… yeah, the last time he wrote to me, him and i got into an argument…

sb: [laughs]
gg: …we straightened it out. he was… he said something about… he called me a liar or some sh_t. i blasted the f_ck out of him, because he was saying that i wasn’t signed with enigma, and i… i got the contracts to prove it. i guess enigma was telling people that i didn’t sign with them.

sb: hmm.

gg: they were trying to, you know, deny it. but they can’t deny it, because i got the f_ckin’ contracts.

sb: yeah, really.

gg: so, uh…

sb: hey, they… they don’t want to put it out, it’s their loss, right?

gg: yeah, that’s, uh, well, that’s the way i look at it, because ever rat’s got a pretty good thing here. i mean, all the publicity i’m getting right now, that f_cker’s got to sell.

sb: hmm.

gg: and, if it doesn’t, well, i’ll have a lot of copies to [unintelligible] when i get out.

sb: [laughs]

gg: but, uh, i don’t know. i mean, at least it’s coming out, so whatever.

sb: well, if worse comes to worst, you can always go back to square one and sell ’em at your shows. it’s like, it’s like, beginners…

gg: you know, i… i wouldn’t mind doing that, to tell you the truth. i kinda… you know, i used to say when i got on homestead, it was… it was great. because my first album, i don’t know if you’ve ever seen a copy of the always was album, the original one. i sat down and folded every cover, stuck ’em together, f_ckin’… i mean, 2,000 of those f_ckin’ things.
sb: yeah.

gg: i mean, if you can find one now, you’ll probably pay $100 for it. they… they got ’em in record stores. every once in a while you find one for $50, but those things are… i mean, i remember when i was sticking all those things together. jesus. i don’t know if i’d want to go back to do that again, but, uh… it’s… it’s kinda neat, though, putting out your own records, because you don’t have to worry about censorship.

sb: oh, yeah. i know.

gg: because, you know, all these big companies are so f_ckin’ afraid, and you put out your own records, you just don’t give a sh_t. what are they gonna do? i mean, they’re not gonna really take the time to come arrest somebody in an apartment. well, they might. i don’t know. it’s getting to that point.

sb: well, i mean, uh, case in point, jello biafra. i mean, they… they raided his apartment.

gg: yeah, i guess you’re right, they did, uh… he went through a lot of sh_t with that. he spent all his money on that trial and sh_t.

sb: he was facing up to a year in jail, and, uh, i think it was a $2,000 fine, or a $10,000 fine… no, $2,000 fine. and, uh, yeah, to fight it, it ended up taking, as he said, a year and a half of his life, and all the other people involved. it took his distributors… you know what? you know who they brought into court? they brought in the guy who owned the pressing plant that pressed the record, for cryin’ out loud.

gg: yeah, they made a big… they made a big deal out of that. i remember when all that was… yeah, that took a lot of… yeah, i mean, that actually broke up the band, as well.

sb: and it put green world out of business, too.

gg: yup. a lot of record companies now… i just heard that enigma laid off, like, 25 people. i don’t know if that’s true, but i heard it from a fairly reputable source.

sb: hmm.

gg: so i… i don’t know if it’s, uh… the record companies in general, or… or what it is. but, i mean, records don’t… records aren’t… i don’t know what the situation is out there. it seems like cd, right now, is the only thing that record stores even have anymore.

sb: yeah. well, uh… yeah, like, some of the chain stores have eliminated, um… vinyl. i know. but, uh, yeah, i was listening to the tape of the program with your, uh, friend from black and blue records.
gg: mm_hmm.

sb: and he said, uh, the cycle sl_ts record has, uh, the vinyl has outsold both cd and cassette combined, i believe he said.

gg: how was that show?

sb: it’s pretty good!

gg: was it? [laughs] i was wondering cuz i heard a little bit about it, but, uh…

sb: i got the whole show from the, uh, from when the… from the engineer, and you know, it’s all clean copy. and they do, uh, most of that cover that they did of your song, they used it to close out the show with…

gg: that’s “darkness and a bottle”, i believe, or… what’s… one of the… i know which one you mean, i can’t think of it, but…

sb: yeah.

gg: yeah, huh. well, that’s pretty cool.

sb: let’s see. uh, and, you know, they mention you, they mention that it was written by you and so forth.

gg: cool.

sb: and what’s_his_face from black and blue just doesn’t shut up for two minutes!

[both laugh]

gg: oh no, that’s… that’s… that’s for sure. what’s, uh, one more question and then i’ll let you go. did, uh, you ever get back in touch with merle, or, or… or what, on that? i talked to him briefly about it, but i told him, you know, that… to get in touch with you or whatever, so…

sb: um… last time i talked to him, he was just finishing a really hectic week, and, like, we were saying, “well, maybe this day, maybe that day, maybe we’ll try next week, cuz, you know, cha_cha_cha and the whole bit”.

gg: well if you want to do it, and, and… you know, maybe wait another… maybe wait till after all this holiday sh_t’s over or whatever. give him a call like around the first of january. i already told him when i talked to him that i didn’t have any objections of you photographing them or photocopying them…

sb: all right.

gg: …or whatever. so, uh…

sb: yeah, well, there’ll be a, uh, a record collector’s show, uh, uh, i think in mid_january…

gg: you know what you… you know what we should do, i was thinking?

sb: yeah?

gg: you should send me… how many copies of that record do you still have?

sb: 25 red, 25 black.

gg: that’s all?

sb: that’s all right now.

gg: i was thinking you should send me some covers and i could autograph ’em. or, you could just f_ckin’ autograph ’em.

[both laugh]

gg: “gg signed…”, cuz people might not believe it anyway. but you… well, you should bring those there, you’d probably sell ’em all that day.

sb: yeah. um… i have extra copies of the, uh, of the… of the sleeves.

gg: yeah. cuz i was thinking, you know, it’d be something for you, you know, you could sell.

sb: yeah, really.

gg: …or whatever, you know. cuz i could get things… people have sent me things in here that i’ve been able to sign and send back to ’em. people have sent me like cassette covers, record covers, and uh, all sorts of sh_t.

sb: but they can’t send you any cassettes themselves, can they?

gg: no. i can’t get cassettes, all i can get’s the covers.

[both laugh]

gg: a lot of good that’s gonna do me!

sb: [unintelligible] gg allin, cover musician!

[both laugh]

gg: but, you know, you should, you know, bring those anyway, you’ll probably sell a few of ’em.

sb: okay.

gg: keep pushing ’em.

sb: yeah. hey, uh, gg, um… i hate to bring this up…

gg: go ahead, bring it up.

sb: uhhh… appeal. how’d it go? i mean, did… did you… were you… was your case heard or whatever?

gg: oh, the appeal. oh, you… f_ck, you can bring that up. actually, i’m not going back on my appeal till january. because i was supposed to go back, and then with all the holidays, you know. see, all the… everybody’s on vacation right now. f_ckin’ judge is on vacation, and they’re not gonna be back till january. so in the last letter that i got from him, he said as soon as he got back in january he’s gonna try to fit me in before the end of the month.

sb: mm_hmm.

gg: so, i thought that… that’s pretty cool, because f_ck, it’s only another week and a half anyway.

sb: oh yeah, yeah, that’s right.

gg: the way i look at it is, i’ll be out sometime in ’91, and we’re not far from ’91 now. gonna start… as soon as i know when i’m getting out, i’m gonna start putting like, uh, getting fliers out. you know, “gg allin, back in ’91. not gettin’ any prettier.”

sb: [laughs]

gg: with, like, a big picture of my face on it, and uh… so, uh, yeah, i’m… i’m… i’m definitely looking forward to getting out, back on the road and sh_t. i just, oh, i just wrote this great thing called “gg allin’s mission”. this guy typed it up for me. i wrote it out and sent it to him, he typed it. this motherf_cker is intense. it’s great. it was so good, this guy’s printing it in a newspaper that he writes for.

sb: wow.

gg: i’ll send you a copy of that too. he sent me… let me see, he sent me ten copies yesterday, and i mailed all ten copies out, because i had like, you know, flipside and alternative press and sh_t, cuz i wanted to get it out quick. but as soon as he sends me another 20 copies, i’ll get you one.

sb: beautiful.

gg: and, uh… all right, so i’m gonna let you go.

sb: no, that’s, that’s… that’s all right now, cuz i, uh, i don’t have anything planned for tonight. uh, could i ask you a few questions?

gg: yeah, go ahead.

sb: first off, are you letting your hair or your beard grow?

gg: well, i’ll tell ya, my hair right now is… you wouldn’t believe it. okay, i shaved my… i shaved my head…

sb: mm_hmm.

gg: but now what i did is, i let it grow in, and now i’m… i just… one day i got f_ckin’… went in the bathroom and just started shaving it, and it was so f_cked up i had patches out of it. i said f_ck it, i’m gonna leave it like this. it looks… it looks like, uh… kinda like a mange. it’s got, like, spots… just, it… bald here, and there’s pieces of hair sticking out everywhere. and then i got, like, a fu manchu, and i got on my chin… i got this, like, real long f_ckin’ piece of hair coming down. pretty f_cked_up looking.

sb: hmm. uh, i don’t suppose you can get yourself a picture of it? what you look like now?

gg: well, i’m going to. i didn’t sign… see, we only do pictures in here once a month, and you gotta sign up for it. and i f_ckin’ sp_ced out and didn’t sign up. so the next time i can get a picture would be january. but i plan on getting one, and then i’m gonna… i’m actually probably gonna get a few, and i’m probably gonna have it sent out… have, uh, somebody i know make an 8×10 out of it or something. because i look a… quite a lot different than i did when i, when i came. actually, i look more f_cked up now than i did. i don’t know if the department of corrections might, uh… i’ll be walking out more f_cked up than when i walked in!

sb: that’ll show ’em!

gg: yeah! [laughs] they’ll be like, “jesus, man, we’re supposed to be rehabilitating these motherf_ckers! look at this guy!”

sb: [laughs]

gg: i think that’s great, because i walk around here and people just look at me, like, “this’s guy’s really f_ckin’ lost it”. but i’m not… i don’t let these motherf_ckers tell me what to do, you know, i just do whatever i want.

sb: hmm. uh, hey, they can only impose so much restrictions on you, huh?

gg: yeah, they can’t, uh, really… they can’t… that would be discrimination, too, telling me how to cut my hair. i mean, i suppose if i went in flashing myself, they could get me for destruction of state property, it would be. uh, when i first got here, i went in the bathroom, and i was shaving one day, cuz i always shave my chest and, and… everything. and i was in shaving, and i cut myself, or cut my nipple, and i was bleeding. and the guards came running in, they grabbed me, like, “what the f_ck are you doing?” i… i talked back to ’em, “what the f_ck are you doing?” and they said, well, you know, “what are you doing? you know, what are you shaving your chest for?” i said, “i’ve been shaving my chest since i was f_ckin’ 17 years old”, i said, “what the f_ck?” and they grabbed me, and they made me go see the psychiatrist. and they told me that if… that if i… if i was in there… they thought that i was like, you know, in there cutting myself and sh_t. and they said they were gonna take me to the f_ckin’ psychiatric ward and put me in a straitjacket if i did it again! but i talked to my counselor. i’m still doing it, but now i just do it when the guards aren’t around.

sb: oh, boy.

gg: it was hilarious, though, because i mean, i’m so used to doing it, and when they came in and grabbed me, i’m thinking, “what the f_ck are these guys doing now?”, you know?

sb: like, first… first you pick on me when i’m outside the jail, now you pick on me when i’m inside the jail!

gg: right. but it’s great, you know, because they don’t know what to expect of me. it’s like, what are they gonna do next? you know, one day i’ll look a certain way, the next day i’ll just look a f_ckin’ completely different way, just to f_ck ’em up.

sb: mm. hey, uh, a quick question _ could i ever come in there, or could somebody come in there with a camera, take a picture of you?

gg: no, they don’t let any cameras or any recording devices in. it’s, uh, you can only get pictures taken by the institutional camera and they… they won’t even let us have recording devices. i think because they’re afraid somebody might put a tape recorder on and catch some of these conversations from some of the guards. you know, cuz they… they just don’t want people to hear what goes on in here, so they don’t want…

sb: silly question _ are visitors searched?

gg: oh, absolutely.

sb: oh…

gg: but, not to the extent that the prisoners are searched. we get stripsearched in and out. uh, i think when… when the people come in, from what they’ve told me, they… they run ’em under this… this thing like at an airport.

sb: mm.

gg: then they just, you know, pat ’em down. and, uh, i mean… i don’t think it’s anything real extreme. when i went and visited gacy on death row, it wasn’t even, i mean, that extreme.

sb: yeah.

gg: i mean, they searched us, but it wasn’t like a stripsearch or nothin’.

sb: gacy? is he still alive?

gg: yeah, gacy’s on death row in illinois. he’s, uh, been there for about ten years. my brother still writes… i wrote to him for about a year and a half…

sb: hmm.

gg: …and, uh, since i’ve been arrested they won’t let me write to him. but my brother writes to him, talks to him and sh_t. but, yeah, i’ve got… as a matter of fact, i’ve got a painting at merle’s apartment that he painted of me, which is one of the… one of the paintings that i wanted you to get a picture of.

sb: yeah. it was… when i get a little free time, uh… my schedule is… like i said, got a little hectic, and i’m… kinda… some stuff… i’d like to do that, cuz, like, you know, there’s… i got some things happening in… in january and february…

gg: well, i mean, it’s… it’s something you could do with your own time. i mean, it’s not anything that, you know, there’s any great hurry, uh, to do it. just if you’ve got the time, and you want to do it, you know, do it, but it’s not, like, gonna be something that has to be done.

sb: um…

gg: it’s kind of a… it would be a good idea to maybe, uh… even just to get a good shot of the gacy painting and blow it up, you know, sell 8x10s, would be kinda cool.

sb: that… that’s what i intend to do.

gg: because i… i think that’s a good idea, because n0body’s ever seen that painting. except… unless they go to merle’s. if you got a nice color picture of that motherf_cker, made a nice 8×10 of that, you know, painting by john wayne gacy of gg allin? sh_t, that motherf_cker’d be great.

sb: all right. well i’ll, you know, i’ll be certain enough to do that.

gg: yeah, so, i mean, i… i wouldn’t have any objection to that. you know, whatever.

sb: okay. and, uh, let’s see. i haven’t spoken to, uh… [clears throat, coughs] excuse me. i haven’t spoken to anybody yet about, you know, booking you or whatever, cuz, i’m not… i’m not sure when you’re getting out.

gg: yeah, you’re best to wait on it. definitely wait on it till i’ve got an out date. because… yeah, everything… things are so unpredictable in here, it really wouldn’t be, uh… i’m guessing it probably won’t… even if i do get out, there won’t be any shows for at least… till at least springtime, maybe early summer. because i’ve got to get out, go to a commercial placement, hang out there and see the parole board every week or whatever. so i… we’re probably looking at about, you know, anywhere between four and six months away. we’ve got plenty of time for that.

sb: all right.

gg: so, uh… but i’ll definitely keep in touch with you and, uh, you know, keep this thing going and, uh… when we get out, we’ll do something.

sb: yeah, the… the “brody and gg allin tour”, or something.

gg: yeah, i think we should definitely do some shows, maybe, uh… jersey and in and around new york area, uh… i think we… well, i know we could set ’em up. when i… sh_t, when i get out of here, there’s… there’s gonna be a lot of… a lot of things to do.

sb: um, who had managed you in the past?

gg: n0body.

sb: this is all done by yourself?

gg: it’s really amazing. people ask me… i’ve never had a manager. and that’s probably why i have never really done a tour that… that was really coordinated. we used to jump from texas to california to chicago to florida. i mean, there was nothing in between!

sb: well, my best knowledge is philadelphia, new jersey, and, uh, new york city.

gg: well, i… yeah, i think that would… yeah, we should do that. if you can… if you can book something and coordinate it, uh, so that we could do a number of shows, i’d… i’d be into it.

sb: all right.

gg: i’d definitely do it. and then, i mean, if you had any free time, and you wanted to… to come out, like, in the midwest and play, like around chicago or whatnot, i could probably handle something like that.

sb: beautiful.

gg: i know people all over the country that, uh, would set something up.

sb: hmm.

gg: plus, you know, i plan on putting in… some ads out, like, in maximum rocknroll, you know, as soon as i get out, saying, “okay, gg’s out, we’re setting up tour dates”, you know, “call this number for booking info”.

sb: i’ll have to get a new number, then. or, i mean, another phone number, that is.

gg: yeah, that might be a… yeah, you probably should. that way, if you get a lot of calls, you could just hook up a machine to it.

sb: yeah, i mean, uh, mojo nixon has his own, uh, national hotline you can call, uh, even they might be giants have a… a… phone number…

gg: do they really?

sb: yeah!

gg: mojo nixon was just on a f_ckin’ radio station in chicago. i was talking to a, uh, a fellow toilet rocker. and he had mentioned me. they… they had some show on, and this was a big radio station, and they said that… what the f_ck did he say, that guy?… they were talking about censorship, and he had asked mojo nixon, and he said, well, “your stage show is pretty raw”. and mojo nixon says, “yeah, but it ain’t no gg allin!”

[both laugh]

gg: i thought that was great. you know, it’s kinda… it’s kinda good to be acknowledged in that, uh… even sonic youth always say that, you know.

sb: yeah, i… i have a copy of that article from rolling stone, uh…

gg: that’s great, isn’t it?

sb: oh yeah!

gg: i f_ckin’… i mean, to… especially right now, with them being on the, uh, the verge of this big success, to even mention me, in… in, like, uh, being… cuz, i mean, it’s true, what they say, really, but… i’m surprised they said it, because i’ve never said anything good about them.

[both laugh]

gg: every time i did an interview, i badmouthed the sh_t out of ’em. but, uh…

sb: well, that… that’s the kind of thing where… where people like abuse, you know?

gg: yeah. yeah, i think so too. so… i don’t know, everything… everything’s looking cool, though, so, i mean… everything’s a go, and, uh… things happening, so, you know, i’ll definitely keep in touch, and we’ll keep this thing rolling.

sb: all right, so…

gg: and, uh, in the meantime, uh… i’ll get you some copies of everything that i got. and, uh, i’ll probably give you a call in a few weeks and, like, give you an update on the situation.

sb: all right. uh, when’s a good time to reach your brother?

gg: oh, sh_t. he works from 12 noon till 8, so any… any time after 9:00 at night.

sb: all right. you know that he has a band or something?

gg: yeah, he’s playing with, uh, joe christ, which, uh… it’s… it’s funny because joe christ opened for me when i played in texas. he used to live in texas. and i guess one of the guys in letch patrol is playing, uh… yeah, he’s… he told me he’s doing it, but as soon as i get out, he told me that, uh, he’s gonna drop everything and… and get something together. cuz he… i want him to play bass for me when i get my electric show together, and, uh, he wants to do that… f_ckin’… but, you know, it’s something for him to do right now.

sb: had a brief idea of, uh, maybe helping him out with promotion and billing him, you know, quote_unquote…

gg: well, you…

sb: …gg allin’s brother…

gg: i imagine there… i mean, my brother’s good. he’s been in a lot of bands, he’s been on a lot of albums himself. uh, i can’t imagine that… anything that he’s involved with, i’m sure, is… is worth looking into. i don’t know, you… you’ve never met my brother, have you?

sb: no, just spoken to him on the phone a few times.

gg: you’d… you’d like him. he’s pretty… i mean, he’s not quite as crazy as i am, but, uh, he’s got the same rock ‘n’ roll attitude. i mean, he looks… he’s just… he’s into the whole thing. i think you’d get along with him.

sb: how old is he?

gg: uhh… 34?

sb: oh, he’s like… he’s like a year or two older than you?

gg: but he’s like, real skinny, got a skinhead. he just… he looks like he plays in a band. you know, he’s got, like, tattoos all over him and, you know… you know, he just has that look about him. if you saw him on the street, you’d think “this guy plays in a f_ckin’ band”. you know, he’s got that new york street look about him.

sb: yeah.

gg: he’s cool, but plus, he can play. he’s great… i mean, the motherf_cker’s one of the best bass players that i’ve ever played with. but i could never get into a band with him because he was married, and i hated his wife, and when i was married he hated my wife, and…

sb: you were married!

gg: yeah, i was married once. ain’t that a son of a b_tch? [laughs] yeah, i got married, man… i was married for about three years, and i said f_ck that!

sb: now i’m convinced you’re crazy. [laughs]

gg: yeah, well, you know, i got married… actually, i got married before the first… i got married a long time ago. it’s, what, right about when we first put… the first jabbers single out. and the main reason why we got a divorce is… was the band, because it was just… it was so out of hand, and i’d, you know, come home all bl__dy every night, and i just was a miserable son of a b_tch to live with anyway, and we just said f_ck it. and… and i just… i just had to get on, and get about, you know, to… to doing tours, and she wasn’t into it. so… and then after i got out of that, he got married. i figured, “okay, this is great. he’s not married, i’m getting a divorce, we’ll get something.” and he got f_ckin’ married, and i hated that b_tch. and i started going out with this other girl, got her pregnant three times, and, uh, she was only 17.

sb: ooh.

gg: i almost got in a lot of sh_t for that. but then he hated her… i don’t know, we just never really got it together. but now, i… the girl he’s married to now is cool.

sb: this is his second wife?

gg: yeah, it’s the second wife. she’s cool. when we met her, she was after me. we met her at a b_tthole surfers show, and she came on to me. and we both took her home, and i got a little too rough with her. merle gave me valiums to knock me out, and he took over.

[both laugh]

gg: motherf_cker, i never forgave him for that!

[both laugh]

gg: so there’s that. but, uh, she was with both of us for a long time, and then i just said, well, f_ck it. you know, you.. you deserve it, cuz i’m… i’m going on the road. i don’t want one woman, i’ve got to have many! so…

sb: yeah.

gg: …he married her.

sb: uh, and how old, uh, were you when you… when you first got married?

gg: sh_t, 22? 21, 22, something like that. uh, and i married a girl that was 18, just out of high school, and she was beautiful. i mean, this b_tch was a modeling instructor. you know, we’re still… we’re still friends, we just couldn’t live together…

sb: hmm.

gg: …for the most part. the second b_tch… i mean, after that, i… i f_cked anything that walked. i did, anyway, with that. but i just didn’t give a sh_t. you know, i was just… i just did not like being married, man, it was a drag. but i don’t know.

sb: when you turn 40 you’re gonna settle down, i’m sure.

gg: oh, never. as hank williams said, i’m not the marrying kind. [laughs] you ever hear that song by hank williams?

sb: no. but i have heard of hank williams, though.

gg: oh, you should. if you ever… there’s this album he’s got out, it’s got this song called… i mean, i love hank williams.

sb: mm_hmm.

gg: i, i’m just a big hank williams… i mean, the old man hank. he wasn’t that old, but he looked like it.

sb: hank williams, senior.

gg: senior, yeah. i mean, i… that’s why, when i did my acoustic record, i wanted to do it and… and not really do a lot of production with it, or put drums or bass. i wanted it to just be raw vocals and guitar, because that’s what i like. i’m, sort of… when i look at the hank williams… it’s just real raw. or some of that old, like, boxcar willie or… or, stonewall jackson, or skeeter davis. i mean, that sh_t is great. i’ll f_ckin’… man, i could listen to that sh_t all day long.

sb: yeah, i mean, the more i listen to the record, the more it reminds me of, like, uh… not so much hank williams, but like, like, old blues records of… like, 78s, you know?

gg: yeah, i like that too. you know, i like a lot… i just like that primitive_sounding, depressing kind of, you know… and plus, it’s true that what i was singing was actually what was happening. and when i recorded that, i mean, it wasn’t like something that i sat down and said “well, i’m gonna write this cuz it goes good”. i just sat down one day in a bathroom, and i just started… put the tape recorder on, and just started singing that motherf_cker. and when i was done, i said “man, this f_cking is… incredible”. i said, “i’ve got to record this”. i said, “n0body will ever put it out, but i gotta record it anyway just so it would… if i die, it’ll be somewhere”. maybe, you know… and then when you wanted to put something out, i said, “well, this is the opportunity to get this record…” i mean, i still personally think it’s a great record, and i probably always will. you know, regardless of what… what the reviews say. i think it’s kind of mixed, you know. but i think it’s a great record. and everybody personally that has bought it, that’s written to me, says it’s great. i mean, they’re real into it, so…

sb: hmm.

gg: so i’m, uh… i don’t know, i’m… i’m pretty… i’m pretty happy with the outcome of it.

sb: so am i. i mean, this… this is my best release. it’s… it’s my best seller.

gg: and, you know, it’s one of those records that’ll sell forever. in fact, i was talking to neil cooper at roir. i mean, that… that rec… that album came out in 1985, and i was talking to him a couple weeks ago, and he… and i asked him, i said “you still got…?” because that’s everywhere still. and he says “yeah, i… i put that record out”, he says, “and i keep selling it”. and he says, “every year it sells more copies”. he says, “your albums just… you know, if people want to put them out, they sell forever”.

sb: hmm.

gg: you know, they just… you know, it seems like as years go on, people want my stuff more, even the older stuff. so i think it’s one of those records that, probably in another year or two, people will be, “wow, we’ve gotta have that record”. so… i mean, and plus it’s something that you can keep putting out.

sb: yeah.

gg: you know, you’ve got the masters there, so [clears throat] just keep doing it, as long as it’ll go.

sb: that i will.

gg: okay stewart, i’m gonna get on here, but, uh, i’ll, you know… i’ll be in touch, i’ll get back to you in three or four weeks, whatever. i’ll… as soon as i find out anything, i’ll let you know.

sb: all right, then. i’ll give your brother a call either, uh, tomorrow or thursday.

gg: okay, good deal. and i’ll send you that stuff.

sb: beautiful.

gg: okay. talk to you later, bye.

sb: bye.

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