a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 #

chris butler - the devil glitch كلمات الأغنية


[verse 1]
sometimes you can fix something by just being a pr-ck
winning by intimidation

[verse 2]
sometimes you can fix something by just lifting your skirt
it’s the ultimate distraction

[verse 3]
i poke b-tton
i want action
let’s hear some gears and see some smoke
no dilly-dally
move your heinie
this is the age of “go for broke”

[screw it, there are 500 verses, i don’t have time for this]
sometimes you can fix something by just kissing some -ss
if you don’t mind humiliation
sometimes you can fix something by just smoking a pipe
academic contemplation

so pathetic

no mechanic

no steady eye, no magic touch

no screwdriver

ball-peen hammer

and mr. fix-it’s gone to lunch

not personal?

yeah it’s personal

what did i ever do to you?

no cr-p from


just do what i tell you to do

sometimes you can fix something by just blaming your mom

everybody loves a victim

sometimes you can fix something by just cracking a joke

humor is greasy lubrication

sometimes you can fix something by just cooking the books

wealth is all about perception

sometimes you can fix something by just smoking a joint

stoner free -ssociation

broke down, lifeless

junkyard worthless

no tweezer jesus in the house

so desperate

so dependent

pay any price to dope it out

i want g*nius

i wanna suss

the perfect kluge, the devil glitch

oh, hosanna

socket messiah

the only jesus worth a sh-t

sometimes you can fix something by just building a ramp

if you have that inclination

sometimes you can fix something by just sitting around

solutions come from relaxation

sometimes you can fix something by just blowing it up

the world reacts to provocation

sometimes you can fix something by just takin’ it slow

our culture loves procrastination

sometimes you can fix something by just hurrying up

we worship instant solutions

sometimes you can fix something by just looking away

zen buddhist inattention

sometimes you can fix something with just a mistake

don’t get too hung-up on perfection

sometimes you can fix something by just doing it right

craftsmanship demands precision

sometimes you can fix something with total control

aim plan for global domination

sometimes you can fix something by just playing along

give ’em enough rope to hang ’em

sometimes you can fix something by working like h-ll

that will not hurt your reputation

sometimes you can fix something by not working too hard

burn-out is a real problem

sometimes you can fix something by just having faith

sometimes miracles can happen

sometimes you can fix something by just saying a prayer

wait for divine intervention

sometimes you can fix something by just trusting your luck

roll them bones and see what happens

sometimes you can fix something by just being a cheat

mastermind the final outcome

sometimes you can fix something by just being tough

you gotta learn to take rejection

sometimes you can fix something by just being scared

hereos never seem to live long

sometimes you can fix something by just taking a cl-ss

learn new techniques, new information

sometimes you can fix something by just building a wall

there’s such a thing as too much freedom

sometimes you can fix something by just tightening your belt

learn to live within restrictions

sometimes you can fix something by just busting loose

don’t let ’em squish your self-expression

sometimes you can fix something by just shutting up

let someone smarter do the talking

sometimes you can fix something by just coming in last

but wait till next season

sometimes you can fix something by just holding out

wear away the opposition

sometimes you can fix something by just being a fool

innocence trumps sophistication

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing the law

when they try and pull a fast one

sometimes you can fix something by just screening your calls

they’re always trying to sell you something

sometimes you can fix something by just washing your hands

eliminate contamination

sometimes you can fix something by just wearing a mask

sometimes it’s best to keep ’em guessing

sometimes you can fix something by just going to h-ll

pave it with the best intentions

sometimes you can fix something by just telling all

exorcize your deepest demons

sometimes you can fix something by just saying no

take an intractable position

sometimes you can fix something by just saying yes

if they can meet all your conditions

sometimes you can fix something with just the right spin

make ’em question what they’re seeing

sometimes you can fix something by just changing your mind

there’s nothing wrong with indecision

sometimes you can fix something by just building a fort

hunker down for the duration

sometimes you can fix something by just changing sides

if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em

sometimes you can fix something by just getting laid

-rg-sm releases tension

sometimes you can fix something by just jacking off

you can’t get aids from m-st-rbation

sometimes you can fix something by just getting drunk

a cure for mental constipation

sometimes you can fix something by just having one drink

everything in moderation

sometimes you can fix something by just taking the heat

or get out of the kitchen

sometimes you can fix something by just p-ssing the buck

blame it on another person

sometimes you can fix something by just turning around

try a mid-course correction

sometimes you can fix something by just trying to cope

with patience, tact and stoicism

sometimes you can fix something by just starting to cry

people can’t take raw emotions

sometimes you can fix something by running from your past

join the french foreign legion

sometimes you can fix something by just turning a kn-b

volume is a weapon

sometimes you can fix something by just toning it down

too much too fast might overwhelm ’em

sometimes you can fix something by just giving a gift

mollify the opposition

sometimes you can fix something by just taking it back

you don’t wanna spoil them

sometimes you can fix something by just playing dumb

try to get off with a warning

sometimes you can fix something by just being sharp

stall with a brilliant explanation

sometimes you can fix something by just going to church, come on

maybe god will pay attention

sometimes you can fix something by not going to church, come on

i’ve met too many evil christians

sometimes you can fix something by being against, against the establishment of the church


sometimes you can fix something by just suing the son of a b-tch

tie him up in litigation

sometimes you can fix something by just going home

maybe the answer’s back in cleveland

sometimes you can fix something by hot-wiring the fuse

though you may risk electrocution

sometimes you can fix something with just a better glue

high coefficient of adhesion

sometimes you can fix something by just paying ’em off

then get on with what you’re doing

sometimes you can fix something by not being home

avoid unwanted solicitations

sometimes you can fix something by just having the stones

if you can’t get no satisfaction

sometimes you can fix something by just listening to the who

sing “my-my-my gen-gen-generation”

sometimes you can’t fix something by just playing pinball

though tommy’s such a stupid album

sometimes you can fix something by just speaking your mind

that right is in the const-tution

sometimes you can fix something by just biting your tongue

they say silence is golden

sometimes you can fix something by just writing a book

go on talk shows ’round the nation

sometimes you can fix something by just reading a book

turn off that godd-mn television

sometimes you can fix something by just having a snack

hunger wrecks your concentration

sometimes you can fix something by just wondering why

ain’t no harm in asking

sometimes you can fix something by not wondering why

’cause sometimes answers are a prison

sometimes you can fix something by just buying the beer

get to know your new companions

sometimes you can fix something by just taking a trip

the greatest place on earth is iceland

sometimes you can fix something by just spinning your wheels

sometimes the thing to do is nothing

sometimes you can fix something by just spinning your wheels

heat ’em up for better traction

sometimes you can fix something by just oiling your wheels

a little grease reduces friction

sometimes you can fix something by just trusting yourself

listen to your intuition

sometimes you can fix something with just a tin can

a west virginia exhaust system

sometimes you can fix something by just pulling that switch

justice is served by execution

sometimes you can fix something by just drawing the line

there is a limit to your patience

sometimes you can fix something with just the right phrase

come up with a catchy slogan

sometimes you can fix something by just changing one word

that’s how a thought becomes a poem

sometimes you can fix something by just buying some time

let things settle down some

sometimes you can fix something by just being crude

dirty jokes help male bonding

sometimes you can fix something by just pulling some strings

set things into motion

sometimes you can fix something by just having the clout

the juice to get the job done

sometimes you can fix something by just pulling rank

declare an end to the discussion

sometimes you can fix something by just giving ’em lip

there’s power in sarcasm

sometimes you can fix something by just showing respect

if they deserve it, give ’em some

sometimes you can fix something by just flipping ’em the bird

though that invites retaliation

sometimes you can fix something with just a little paint

cover up those imperfections

sometimes you can fix something by throwing the baby out with the bathwater

a cliché’s okay if it’s a good one

sometimes you can fix something with just a good excuse

say you were kidnapped by martians

sometimes you can fix something by just taking a vote

settle on a course of action

sometimes you can fix something by just taking a poll

but rig it with tricky questions

sometimes you can fix something by just carrying a spare

crucial gear often malfunctions

sometimes you can fix something by just being vague

people will look for hidden meanings

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing some dirt

blackmail’s nasty but effective

sometimes you can fix something by just standing firm

achieve your objective

sometimes you can fix something by just stepping back

see it from a new perspective

sometimes you can fix something by just letting go

don’t be too over-protective

sometimes you can fix something by just telling the truth

though that’s totally subjective

sometimes you can fix something by just telling the truth

honesty is such a rare thing

sometimes you can fix something by just telling the truth

subject to verification

sometimes you can fix something by not telling the truth

what they don’t know won’t ’em

sometimes you can fix something by not knowing the truth

we all live with our delusions

sometimes you can fix something by keeping the truth to yourself

don’t shatter people’s illusions

sometimes you can fix something by just taking a pill

then call me in the morning

sometimes you can fix something by just making a roux

that’s how i once saved thanksgiving

sometimes you can fix something by just dropping a bomb

teach the b-st-rds a lesson

sometimes you can fix something by just throwing a fit

ventilate all your frustrations

sometimes you can fix something by just eating some meat

protein’s a part of good nutrition

sometimes you can fix something by just eating some meat

vegetarians are boring

sometimes you can fix something by not eating some meat

cow farts are ruining the ozone

sometimes you can fix something by just getting a break

just be ready when it happens

sometimes you can fix something by just sitting still

wait for that flash of inspiration

sometimes you can fix something by just sitting real still

they call that “playing possum”

sometimes you can fix something by going to the source

some things get lost in the translation

sometimes you can fix something by just making a link

that’s called concatenation

sometimes you can fix something by just being strange

beyond all cl-ssification

sometimes you can fix something by just branching out

if you can get good distribution

sometimes you can fix something by just hitting control-s

computers are always crashing

sometimes you can fix something by just finding a mate

there’s nothing like a good companion

sometimes you can fix something by just being alone

ya always seem to get more work done

sometimes you can fix something by just having a kid

then move to montclair from hoboken

sometimes you can fix something by just throwing it away

clutter’s an -n-l compulsion

sometimes you can fix something by giving it away

we’re now accepting donations

sometimes you can fix something by just eating some corn

clean out your colon

sometimes you can fix something by just turning the page

find out who’s the villain

sometimes you can fix something by just picking yourself up

and get back in the runnin’

sometimes you can fix something by just making a few tweeks

subtle modifications

sometimes you can fix something by not getting it fixed

maybe you got stuck with a lemon

sometimes you can fix something by just getting old

just outlive your compet-tion

sometimes you can fix something by just never growing up

d-mn right the world owes you a living

sometimes you can fix something by just being ashamed

guilt’s a valid motivation

sometimes you can fix something by just blaming the world

avoid all introspection

sometimes you can fix something by just making a choice

after weighing all your options

sometimes you can fix something with a mnemonic device

an aide to memorization

sometimes you can fix something with just a slap on the wrist

constructive criticism

sometimes you can fix something by just getting spanked

young man, i hope you’ve learned your lesson

sometimes you can fix something by just making a stink

blow things way out of proportion

sometimes you can fix something by just getting a mac

dos is such a lousy system

sometimes you can fix something by just moving out

try a trial separation

sometimes you can fix something by just trying to hide

n0body here but us chickens

sometimes you can fix something by just fixin’ it in the mix

though that is lazy production

sometimes you can fix something by just screaming “shut up”

now stop all of this b-tchin’

sometimes you can fix something by just introducing yourself

make a good first impression

sometimes you can fix something by just blowing some smoke

the ancient art of obfuscation

sometimes you can fix something by just hiring a flack

improve your public relations

sometimes you can fix something by just being a crook

even nixon got a pardon

sometimes you can fix something by just getting a shot

update all your vaccinations

sometimes you can fix something by just being upbeat

brimming with enthusiasm

sometimes you can fix something by just feeling doomed

sit back and wait for armageddon

sometimes you can fix something by just faking your death

skip out on your obligations

sometimes you can fix something by just getting a life

everybody needs a mission

sometimes you can fix something by just looking it up

ask you local librarian

sometimes you can fix something by just looking it up

let your fingers do the walking

sometimes you can fix something by listening to npr

especially morning edition

sometimes you can fix something by just losing your shirt

bankruptcy means a new beginning

sometimes you can fix something by just going to work

fill out that job application

sometimes you can fix something by just watching fox

the x-files or the simpsons

sometimes you can fix something by just watching the tick

the best thing on sat-rday morning

sometimes you can fix something by just writing a note

give ’em a good recommendation

sometimes you can fix something by just taking a look

learn by careful observation

sometimes you can fix something by just being a spy

launch a covert operation

sometimes you can fix something by ordering a probe

a blue ribbon investigation

sometimes you can fix something by just saving the earth

how can we stand all this pollution?

sometimes you can fix something by checking the scsi id

you might need termination

sometimes you can fix something by just being a b-tch

some men need lots of training

sometimes you can fix something by just building a bridge

try to form a coalition

sometimes you can fix something by just drying it out

shorts are caused by condensation

sometimes you can fix something by starting from the top

get it right with more rehearsing

sometimes you can fix something by just explaining it again

aim for clarification

sometimes you can fix something by just making a switch

try a clever subst-tution

sometimes you can fix something by believing in ghosts

witchcraft and divination

sometimes you can fix something by just seeing a ghost

that gimmick always worked for d-ckens

sometimes you can fix something by just doing the right thing

ethics matter in the long run

sometimes you can fix something by finally seeing the light

but watch out for deathbed conversions

sometimes you can fix something by just dragging your b-tt

keep ’em waiting, keep ’em waiting

sometimes you can fix something by just shaking things up

a total reorganization

sometimes you can fix something by just being strong

some jobs require heavy-lifting

sometimes you can fix something by just being thin

like twiggy or tony perkins

sometimes you can fix something by just being fat

like greenstreet in the maltese falcon

sometimes you can fix something by just being real

versus imitation

sometimes you can fix something by just being a fake

invent your qualifications

sometimes you can fix something by just being a quack

you still might have a gift for healing

sometimes you can fix something by just being a fraud

look what that did for p t barnum

sometimes you can fix something by just playing god

genetic manipulation

sometimes you can fix something by just losing your voice

that hasn’t hurt bob dylan

sometimes you can fix something by just being rare

though you’ll end up in a museum

sometimes you can fix something by just buying a ton

some things are cheaper by the dozen

sometimes you can fix something by just bending the rules

cut ’em some slack, make an exception

sometimes you can fix something by just being there

there’s nothing better than good timing

sometimes you can fix something by not being there

an alibi that can’t be shaken

sometimes you can fix something by just having some sp-nk

overcome all tribulations

sometimes you can fix something by just playing on the one and three

how come white folks feel that rhythm?

sometimes you can fix something by just wanting it all

either/or are bad conjuctions

sometimes you can fix something by being right-brained

and good at pattern recognition

sometimes you can fix something by being left-brained

focused linear thinking

sometimes you can fix something by just swinging that club

sometimes you gotta be a caveman

sometimes you can fix something by just being unique

defy categorization

sometimes you can fix something by just blending in

observe all local customs

sometimes you can fix something by just fading away

lose yourself in oblivion

sometimes you can fix something by just deciding to die

thank you dr. kevorkian

sometimes you can fix something by just having a d-ck

there’s nothing wrong with being masculine

sometimes you can fix something by just asking a pro

some problems need a trained technician

sometimes you can fix something by just crossing your fingers

tho that’s only a superst-tion

sometimes you can fix something by just being wrong

mea culpa, mea culpa

sometimes you can fix something by just startin’ to chant

nom myoho renge hare krishna

sometimes you can fix something by just going new wave

get black jeans and a farfisa

sometimes you can fix something by just having a shtick

like liberace’s candelabra

sometimes you can fix something by just taking the train

efficient public transportation

sometimes you can fix something on the lirr

dream on, dream on, dream on

sometimes you can fix something by just joining a frat

become a lion or a mason

sometimes you can fix something by just polishing a t-rd

till it shines like a diamond

sometimes you can fix something by just making a plan

organize your operation

sometimes you can fix something by just drinking some wine

loosen up your inhibitions

sometimes you can fix something by just being sweet

maintain a pleasant disposition

sometimes you can fix something by just being cruel

that’s how horses are broken

sometimes you can fix something by just trying again

sometimes you win by being stubborn

sometimes you can fix something by just saying oh well

a feeble rationalization

sometimes you can fix something by just waving the flag

demogogic jingoism

sometimes you can fix something by just being numb

anesthetize your real feelings

sometimes you can fix something by just blasting away

till you run out of ammunition

sometimes you can fix something by just studying bird

solo with upper extensions

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing the chords

a, d minor, d eleven

sometimes you can fix something by just courting the rich

it really helps to have a patron

sometimes you can fix something by just being rich

poverty is not fun

sometimes you can fix something by just being rich

a gen x trustafarian

sometimes you can fix something by just k!lling the rich

i welcome that revolution

sometimes you can fix something by just checking your math

redo your calculations

sometimes you can fix something with just a tambourine

sweeten the track with some percussion

sometimes you can fix something by just scr-w-ng up

lower people’s expectations

sometimes you can fix something by just lifting a line

i second that emotion

sometimes you can fix something by just getting a machine

automation speeds production

sometimes you can fix something by just dropping a name

it really helps to have a maven

sometimes you can fix something by just keeping a straight face

don’t let ’em know you’re laughing at ’em

sometimes you can fix something by just building a box

look what that did for phillip johnson

sometimes you can fix something by just refusing to vote

the last i cast was for mcgovern

sometimes you can fix something by just checking the line

maybe it’s just a loose connection

sometimes you can fix something by just putting on a show

like mickey rooney & judy garland

sometimes you can fix something by just having a good spot

location, location, location

sometimes you can fix something by just working up a sweat

success is nine-tenths perspiration

sometimes you can fix something by just getting a lock

just don’t forget the combination

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing the code

some data’s hidden by encryption

sometimes you can fix something by just saying it again

make you point with repet-tion

sometimes you can fix something by just poking around

everybody’s hiding something

sometimes you can fix something by just calling a strike

go to binding arbitration

sometimes you can fix something by just having one

if you’re the only one who has one

sometimes you can fix something by just having one more

complete your collection

sometimes you can fix something by just being wild

resist domestication

sometimes you can fix something by just quitting your job

start living like a bohemian

sometimes you can fix something by just going right now

there’s too much traffic on the weekends

sometimes you can fix something by just growing a beard

avoid the misery of shaving

sometimes you can fix something with just the perfect scene

like waltzing in grand central station

sometimes you can fix something by just taking a look

deputize a delegation

sometimes you can fix something by just saying amen

thus endeth the lesson

sometimes you can fix something by just hating the beach

that worked alright for brian wilson

sometimes you can fix something by calling tom goodkind

he’s the master of shrewd thinking

sometimes you can fix something by just twisting an arm

a little gentle convincing

sometimes you can fix something by just sharing the ch0r-s

i’ll wash, if you’ll do the drying

sometimes you can fix something by just caring a lot

attack your problem with a p-ssion

sometimes you can fix something by just being a square

all squeaky clean and wholesome

sometimes you can fix something by just getting a m-ssage

work the stress out of your system

sometimes you can fix something by just saying what if?

tickle your imagination

sometimes you can fix something by just saying so what?

maintain that spirit of rebellion

sometimes you can fix something by just not paying your rent

make the landlord fix the plumbing

sometimes you can fix something by just squashing it hard

full compression, no depression

sometimes you can fix something by just getting a second job

earn a little extra income

sometimes you can fix something by just being wry

ironic juxtaposition

sometimes you can fix something by just getting it fixed

who needs this aggravation?

sometimes you can fix something by just splitting for the coast

there’s something magic ’bout the ocean

sometimes you can fix something by just getting sick

you might get cool hallucinations

sometimes you can fix something with something out of the blue

epiphanies and revelations

sometimes you can fix something by just throwing a pie

basic goofball entertainment

sometimes you can fix something by just sharing your pain

bore the world with your hurting

sometimes you can fix something by just saying i’m sorry

hope for some kind of absolution

sometimes you can fix something by just paying with cash

that’s the way dodge the taxman

sometimes you can fix something by just parking your dough

in a bank in the cayman islands

sometimes you can fix something with just a running gag

that always worked for monty python

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing what to expect

like the spanish inquisition

sometimes you can fix something by just taking some speed

then cram for your examination

sometimes you can fix something by just slowing down

wait a minute, keep your shirt on

sometimes you can fix something by just being a dump

like most of staten island

sometimes you can fix something by just saying f-ck you

america’s real national anthem

sometimes you can fix something by just being the same

have lots of things in common

sometimes you can fix something by just changing yourself

with a nose job or liposucktion

sometimes you can fix something by just changing real fast

adapt or face extinction

sometimes you can fix something by not changing a thing

just redesign the carton

sometimes you can fix something by just playing some golf

get buddy-buddy with the big guns

sometimes you can fix something by just traveling light

rid yourself of your possessions

sometimes you can fix something by just being a king

declare it fixed by proclamation

sometimes you can fix something with coffee and cigarettes

the real breakfast of champions

sometimes you can fix something by just learning how to swim

pretend that you are esther williams

sometimes you can fix something by just stealin’ a boat

then seek political asylum

sometimes you can fix something by just splitting hairs

point out the subtle distinctions

sometimes you can fix something by just being right

without fear of contradiction

sometimes you can fix something by not being too right

avoid self-righteous indignation

sometimes you can fix something by just staying awake

or you might miss something

sometimes you can fix something by just taking a nap

the elves will fix it while you’re sleeping

sometimes you can fix something by just saying “hi”

greetings and salutations

sometimes you can fix something by just being lost

you’ll go off in new directions

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing the mob

sometimes it helps to be sicilian

sometimes you can fix something by just closing-up shop

put up a sign that says “gone fishing”

sometimes you can fix something by just picking up the tab

snow ’em with a lavish luncheon

sometimes you can fix something by just doing good work

you’ve earned that adulation

sometimes you can fix something by just being known

someone who needs no introduction

sometimes you can fix something by just being a star

tho not like norma desmond

sometimes you can fix something by just being clean

and above all suspicion

sometimes you can fix something by just filling your plate

help yourself, go back for seconds

sometimes you can fix something by just being a wh0r-

there’re many kinds of prost-tution

sometimes you can fix something with eeny-meeny-miney-mo

the process of elimination

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing who was there

guilty by -ssociation

sometimes you can fix something by with at and f1 enter

reinit-talize your modem

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing what ya want

don’t suffer fools, morons or cretins

sometimes you can fix something by just getting dressed

nudity gets boring

sometimes you can fix something by just hurting yourself

some people thrive on self-destruction

sometimes you can fix something by just camping out

build a fire, climb a mountain

sometimes you can fix something by just takin’ a hike

turn in your resignation

sometimes you can fix something by just spraying the pots

resitance rises with corrosion

sometimes you can fix something by just being cool

quote negraponte or mcluhan

sometimes you can fix something by just being cool

like ray milland or robert mitchum

sometimes you can fix something by just being cool

like combustible edison

sometimes you can fix something by just being real cool

like william powell in the thin man

sometimes you can fix something by just being outta the loop

that way they can’t say that you’re lying

sometimes you can fix something by just saying “i can’t”

you gotta know your limitations

sometimes you can fix something by just saying i am

though don’t expect someone to listen

sometimes you can fix something by just looking back

revive some retro tradition

sometimes you can fix something by just looking ahead

stick to your game plan

sometimes you can fix something by just getting mad

so what’s your f-cking problem?

sometimes you can fix something by just changing your tie

sharpen up your presentation

sometimes you can fix something by just being a slob

protest the fascism of fashion

sometimes you can fix something by just selling out

life has its faustian bargains

sometimes you can fix something by just wearing a rug

though who do you think you’re fooling?

sometimes you can fix something by just watching the clock

over-achievers are a nuisance

sometimes you can fix something by just being fast and bulbous

also tapered, that’s right, captain

sometimes you can fix something by just being blue

maybe they’ll ban you in boston

sometimes you can fix something by just singing the blues

like howlin’ wolf, not eric clapton

sometimes you can fix something by just singing the blues

but what the h-ll is smoke stack lightning?

sometimes you can fix something by just changing your strings

be sure to check your intonation

sometimes you can fix something by just getting a tip

eavesdrop on a conversation

sometimes you can fix something by just making m-a-s-h

make a fortune on the re-runs

sometimes you can fix something by just wanting it now

instant gratification

sometimes you can fix something by just smashing your car

the keith moon school of wreckless driving

sometimes you can fix something by just going ahead

surrender to temptation

sometimes you can fix something by just saying, hey

who the h-ll gave you permission?

sometimes you can fix something by just doing it anyway

over everyone’s objections

sometimes you can fix something by just reading some sm-t

that’ll get yer juices flowing

sometimes you can fix something by just gutting it out

don’t let go of your vision

sometimes you can fix something by just losing your nerve

reconsider what you’re doing

sometimes you can fix something by just havin’ yer doubts

maybe your idea’s a dumb one

sometimes you can fix something by just plodding along

when you’re way past the point of caring

sometimes you can fix something by just pulling the plug

cutting your losses shows wisdom

sometimes you can fix something by plugging back in

l!ck your wounds, then come out swinging

sometimes you can fix something by just being unplugged

your record will sell millions

sometimes you can fix something by giving your legal i d

we pause for station identification

sometimes you can fix something by being a good boss

not one of those modern venal strivers

sometimes you can fix something by just being dependent

on the kindness of strangers

sometimes you can fix something by getting your phd

though that won’t help you flipping burgers

sometimes you can fix something by just making that call

you might already be a winner

sometimes you can fix something by just being a thief

lots of art’s appropriation

sometimes you can fix something by just saying it’s art

the essence of duchampism

sometimes you can fix something by just being a thief

lots of good ideas are stolen

sometimes you can fix something by just getting caught

then go thru rehabilitation

sometimes you can fix something by just learning to type

have a sk!ll you can fall back on

sometimes you can fix something by not learning to type

who needs carpal tunnel syndrome?

sometimes you can fix something with just more umph

zizz-up the schmutz with zotz and goo-k-m

sometimes you can fix something by just with still more umph

just get yourself a bigger engine

sometimes you can fix something by just being smug

view the world with condescension

sometimes you can fix something with just a quick fix

skip the problem, treat the symptoms

sometimes you can fix something by just holding court

like dorthy parker at the algonquin

sometimes you can fix something by just saying, no thanks

i decline the nomination

sometimes you can fix something by just hitting erase

send it to magnetic heaven

sometimes you can fix something by just being a smash

the must-see hit of the season

sometimes you can fix something by just being a flop

even steven sondheim had ’em

sometimes you can fix something with just some vitamin e

they say it’s good for the complexion

sometimes you can fix something if things just go right

no unexpected complications

sometimes you can fix something by just making a deal

enter in negotiations

sometimes you can fix something by just telling a shrink

your phobias and fixations

sometimes you can fix something by just staging a coup

a bl–dy act of liberation

sometimes you can fix something by just playing the long shot

tho that’s a risky proposition

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing the odds

then make an accurate prediction

sometimes you can fix something by just hedging your bets

avoid a reckless speculation

sometimes you can fix something by just fipping a coin

heads you lose, tails i win

sometimes you can fix something by releasing it as is

de-bug it in a later version

sometimes you can fix something by just saying, i’ll p-ss

an act of self-preservation

sometimes you can fix something by just makin’ it up

everything is fiction

sometimes you can fix something by just getting bought out

if they can meet your stipulations

sometimes you can fix something by just having no mercy

total capitulation

sometimes you can fix something by just mnusy lkspek lknaoi

yeah, i gotta work on my diction

sometimes you can fix something by just cracking the whip

c’mon, get with the program

sometimes you can fix something by just sitting by a lake

restful, peaceful meditation

sometimes you can fix something by just making a fist

there is a time for aggression

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing the way

to your final destination

sometimes you can fix something by just making your move

after careful preparation

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing what’s what

and all its implications

sometimes you can fix something by just having some style

an eye for tasteful decoration

sometimes you can fix something by just dropping a beat

are you still listening?

sometimes you can fix something by just going too far

dramatic exaggeration

sometimes you can fix something by playing on the roof

i hope we’ve p-ssed the audition

sometimes you can fix something by just curbing your dog

sh-t on the sidewalk’s just disgusting

sometimes you can fix something by just being a sneak

become a master of deception

sometimes you can fix something by just being a creep

back-stabbing, machiavel-lian

sometimes you can fix something by just doin’ the do

or some other slang expression

sometimes you can fix something by saying you’re concerned

though that’s just a euphemism/though you’re scared as h-ll about ’em

sometimes you can fix something by just pounding away

get that thru your cranium

sometimes you can fix something with just a list of names

thank ’em in the dedication

sometimes you can fix something by just using a vox

the best british amplification

sometimes you can fix something by just dropping in

my front door is always open

sometimes you can fix something by just getting a fix

though dope is dumb by definition

sometimes you can fix something by just tapping your phone

do it for your own protection

sometimes you can fix something by just having long hair

i grok your groovy vibrations

sometimes you can fix something by just dropping a frame

get things in synchronization

sometimes you can fix something by just being cute

everybody’s little darling

sometimes you can fix something by just changing it’s shape

they say that form follows function

sometimes you can fix something by just fixing it yourself

consider it a challenge

sometimes you can fix something by just asking for help

heregimme that before you break something

sometimes you can fix something by just having the knack

while other’s just keep on struggling

sometimes you can fix something by just looking the other way

survive by being a good german

sometimes you can fix something by just saying, nein

das ist verboten

sometimes you can fix something by just being a vamp

oozing decadent corruption

sometimes you can fix something by just falling in love

you’ll feel like a virgin

sometimes you can fix something by falling in love again

you gotta get your head examined

sometimes you can fix something by having a backyard

hang a hammock, plant a garden

sometimes you can fix something by just living in town

my whole backyard is manhattan

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing the trick

ignore the man behind the curtain

sometimes you can fix something by just knowin’ for sure

though nothing is for certain

sometimes you can fix something by just paying the fine

avoid a lengthy prosecution

sometimes you can fix something by just knocking it down

this place is set for demolition

sometimes you can fix something by trying everything you can

run thru all the permutations

sometimes you can fix something on just the first try

people will think you’re a magician

sometimes you can fix something if the calla lillies are in bloom

perfect for any occasion

sometimes you can fix something by just wanting the best

i wanna own the chrysler building

sometimes you can fix something by not having the best

too much of a good thing

sometimes you can fix something by just being the best

xtc’s the greatest pop band

sometimes you can’t fix something by just being the best

xtc’s still stuck in swindon

sometimes you can fix something by just working a scam

our culture really loves a conman

sometimes you can fix something by just being possessed

by parasitic aliens

sometimes you can fix something by just being attacked

by an interstellar infestation

sometimes you can fix something by having an evil twin

ohhthat one

sometimes you can fix something by traveling in time

escape into the 4th dimension

sometimes you can fix something with any of the above

all cheesy star trek plot inventions

sometimes you can fix something by just willing it fixed

they really study this at princeton

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing your roots

my ethnic background is suburban

sometimes you can fix something by just diggin a hole

try living subterranean

sometimes you can fix something by just wearing a hat

a derby or a turban

sometimes you can fix something with a better rhyme than that

believe me, i’m trying

sometimes you can fix everything with a smart drummer

though that’s an oxymoron

sometimes you can fix something by just being a spud

the truth about de-evolution

sometimes you can fix something by always landing on your feet

just like buster keaton

sometimes you can fix something by just ordering out

cantonese, hunan or szechuan

sometimes you can fix something by just listing your strengths

too many to mention

sometimes you can fix something by just listing your faults

is that an ego deflating?

sometimes you can fix something with just some flower tops

camomile or echinacea

sometimes you can fix something by just changing your blood

flush out all those tocsins

sometimes you can fix something by just going boom

that’s supposed to be an explosion

sometimes you can fix something by just saying, what’s going on?

stop all this commotion

sometimes you can fix something by saying, excuse me, dear

p-ss the suntan lotion

sometimes you can fix something by staring off into sp-ce

dreams are the mother of creation

sometimes you can fix something by going overseas

but what’s the point of belgium?

sometimes you can fix something by just thinking big

that’s a strategy for winning

sometimes you can fix something by just thinking small

i’m sure there’s lots of good reasons

sometimes you can fix something by just working for yourself

not at some faceless corporation

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing their sign

i always fight with sagittarians

sometime you can fix something by just pleading the fifth

avoiding self-incrimination

sometimes you can fix something by just ordering two

with extra cheese, pickles and onions

sometimes you can fix something otium c-m dignitate

you gotta know a little latin

sometimes you can fix something by just starting to preach

with a timely bibical quotation

sometimes you can fix something by just spreading the good word

convert the heathens and barbarians

sometimes you can fix something by not starting to preach

ain’t got no time for bible thumping

sometimes you can fix something with a good ‘nom de punk’

armitage shanks or johnny rotten

sometimes you can fix something with just a grain of salt

maintain a healthy skepticism

sometimes you can fix something by just defining your terms

eliminate confusion

sometimes you can fix something by something, something, something

i knew it once, but i’ve forgotten

sometimes you can fix something by just rockin’ the boat

i’d like to know if you’ve got the notion

sometimes you can fix something by just having a smoke

nicotine is food, not an addiction

sometimes you can fix something by just brewing some beans

get some caffeine stimulation

sometimes you can fix something by just knowing where you are

12 verses from the ending

sometimes you can fix something by just using your head

go to experts, get opinions

sometimes you can fix something by just being polite

trust in reason and persuasion

sometimes you can fix something by just leaving it alone

let it stew in isolation

sometimes you can fix something by just holding a grudge

revenge is such a cool sensation

sometimes you can fix something by just changing its name

redefine the situation

sometimes you can fix something by just running away

avoid a messy confrontation

sometimes you can fix something by just taking a stand

but that’s an awesome obligation

sometimes you can fix something by just starting a war

everybody at attention

sometimes you can fix something by just dancing all night

answers come out of exhaustion

sometimes you can fix something by just telling a lie

screw’em with misinformation

sometimes you can fix something by just taking a walk

take a break, take a vacation

sometimes you can fix something by turning the other cheek

that’s what they tell you in religion

sometimes you can fix something by just ripping it apart

maybe the d-mn thing wants attention

sometimes you can fix something by just smacking it around

it’s a form of education

sometimes you can fix something by just giving up

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