anthem - ⴻ ⵡⵉⵑⵄ (e zingo) كلمات الأغنية
[the lyrics contain tifinagh characters that may not be supported by your device. the tifinagh font can be downloaded here.]
ⴱⴻˆⴰⴼⵔⵉˆⴽⴰ, ⵎⴱⴻⵙⵄ ⵜⵉˆ ⴰˆⴱⴰⵏⵜⵓ
ⴽⵉˆⵔⵉˆ ⵎⵄ ⴳⴱⵓˆ ⴳⵉˆⴳⵉˆ ⵜⵄˆ ⵎⵄ-ⵎⵓⴻⵏⵉˆ
ⵎⵄ ⴱⴰˆⴰ ⵒⴰˆⵙⵉ ⵏⴰ ⴳⴱⴻ ⵜⵉˆ ⵇˆⵣⵄ ⴽⵓⴻ
ⵎⴻ ⴼⴰⴷⴻ¨ⵙˆ, ⵎⵄ ⴽⴻ ⵏⴰ ⴽⵓ¨ⵔⵓ¨ ⴳⵄˆ
ⵎⵄ ⵙⵄ¨ ⴱⴻⵏⴷⴰ, ⵎⵓ ⴱⵓˆⵑⴱⵉ ⴽⵓˆⴻˆ ⵄˆⴽⵄ
ⵏⴰ ⴽⵓⵙⴰˆⵔⴰ ⵑⴰˆ ⵏⴰ ⵏⴻⵑⵄ¨-ⵜⴻⵔⴻˆ
ⵜⵉˆ ⵜⵄ¨ ⵏⴷⴰˆ ⵜⵉˆ ⴼⵉⵏⵉˆ ⴷⵓⵜⵉ¨ ⵜⵉˆ ⴻ¨ⵙⵄˆ
ⴻ ⵎⴰ¨ ⴳⴱⴻⴳⵄˆ ⵜⵉˆ ⴰˆⴽⵄ¨ⵜⴰⵔⴰ ⵜⵉˆ ⴻ¨
ⴻ ⴳⴱⵓˆ ⴽⵓⴰ ⵏⵣⵄ¨ⵏⵉˆ ⵏⴰ ⵏⴻ¨ⵑⵄ-ⵜⴻⵔⴻˆ
ⴻ ⴽⵃⴻ¨ ⵏⴷⵍⴰ¨ ⵏⵣⵄ¨ⵏⵉˆ ⵏⴰ ⵏⴻ¨ⵑⵄ-ⵜⴻⵔⴻˆ
ⴻ ⴽⵉⵏⴷⴰ ⵣⴰⵙⵉ¨ⵄ¨ⴱⴻˆ, ⴻ¨ ⵜⵄⵎⴱⴰ ⵒⴰˆⵙⵉ
ⴻ ⵢⴰˆⴰ ⴱⴰⵏⴷⴻˆⵔⴰ ⴽⵄ¨ⴷⵔⵄ¨ ⵜⵉˆ ⴻ¨!
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